27th-29th September 2008  

The Lads ride to SNOWDON

The trip was planned many months ago and came about as a result of a trip to WALES by my brother in law STEVE and his good friends REG & STEWART.

Sadly STEWART passed away this month, so STEWART this one was done in your memory, Cheers.

There were to be 8 riders in all ME, MARK,LLOYD, STEVE, RAY, LEE, REG & COLIN.

The ride was done using the main A470 from BRIDGEND up to the mountain range, it served the purpose and thankfully was not congested like it normally is.

We arrived in BEDDGELERT early evening pitched the tents and headed in to town for food and beverage. Thankfully the staff at the forestry campsite had pre warned us about the influx of ramblers on saturday evenings wanting to feed.

We had a hearty meal and then camped for the night weather thankfully on our side.

On sunday morning it was planned to ride taking in the area as much as possible.


We rode north from BEDDGELERT to CAERNARFON heading east slightly then turning south on to the LLANBERIS PASS, which thankfully keeps you close to SNOWDON.

We then continued through CAPEL CURIG to BETTWS COED were lunch was taken down by the river. The place was a wash with visitors and it made sense to grab food from the nearby spar.

We then rode back towards BETHESDA and looped round again to LLANBERIS PASS.
Well that photo opportunity beckoned!!

I have to say the road running from CAPEL CURIG to BEDDGELERT was immense fun testing but exhilarating.

Oh and just for you MARK we took in the COPPER MINE(mmmmmm forgot the waterfal though.....never mind we'll have to go back)

A GR8 trip and superb for that break over the weekend.
Campsite staff we're fantastic very helpful and the town had plenty of choices to eat.

Thank you all.
